Friday, February 4, 2011

Halfway through Month 2

We're halfway through Month 2, so essentially 75% of the way through INSANITY.  My body has been wrecked every day since the start of it.

Equating it to running, as that's the only exercise I did before this, I think we just finished lap 3 of the mile.  That's the lap where you're tired, but not quite close enough to the end to have adrenaline carry you through.  In other words, it sucks.  Totally.  But now we're at the end of that lap, and it's all systems go to the finish.

I think that works nicely, because (hopefully) I'll get used enough to the workouts that I can really honker down these last 2 weeks and build some muscle.  I think I'm really starting to get some muscle definition, so that's extra motivating. 

I also hope to be closing in on Tanya.  As an important side note, Tanya is much less featured in this month (although still probably the most featured person) and I noticed a ring on her finger!  Sorry to the poor fool...

We do the final fit test before the end of the program fit test this weekend.  To be honest, I'm expecting my scores to go down due to extreme fatigue.  We'll see what happens.

Stay Classy,

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