Friday, February 11, 2011

Insane math and push-ups

What a difference a day makes.  Two days ago morale was low.  Yesterday, I attacked the workout.  I'm not sure who won, but I felt better about my effort.

Here's some Insanity math for you.

30 squat push-ups
We did three sets of squat push-ups, each for 45 seconds.  Squat push-ups are where you get in the squat position, fall forward to the ground (keeping the position), and do a push-up back into the standing squat.  Yikes--crazy hard.  But suppose it takes you about 5 seconds to do each one (if anything, a little slow), that's about 10 push-ups per set, or 30 total.

30 power push-ups
B Spec previously described these, but it's where you start in the push-up position, do such a powerful push-up, while pulling your legs in, that you jump up to a standing position, with your hands still reaching down towards your toes.  Again, 3 sets of 45 seconds, so roughly another 30.

96 regular push-ups
In month one, we frequently saw Level 1 drills.  Level 1 drills involved 4 push-ups, 4 floor-sprints (think "mountain climbers" from grade school P.E.), stand up, repeat.  Occasionally, we were forced to suffer Level 2 drills, which were 8 push-ups, 8 floor sprints instead.  Yesterday, we had to do Level 3 drills (!) which were 16/16.  In the 45 second intervals, we did two reps.  Total 32 per set X 3 sets= 96 push-ups.

12 balance push-ups
B Spec also explained these push-ups previously, but it's a normal push-up, but as you go up, you lift the same-side arm and leg, essentially balancing on just one side of your body.

30 side push-ups
This is a little hard to explain in just writing, but essentially, you're doing push-ups with your legs out to the side instead of straight back.  We did 15 on each side--so again, 30 total.

15 V push-ups
In this move, you get into a V, with your palms flat on the ground and your feet as close to your hands as possible, while still keeping your legs straight.  Think "downward dog" from yoga, with your butt sticking way up in the air.  Turn your hands so your fingers are facing each other.  Then do a push-up motion.  This will destroy your shoulders and triceps.

Added fun bonus from this workout, we did them one legged.  That is, we lifted one of our legs off the ground putting it in the air straight behind us.  Ridiculous.  We did 30 seconds on each side for a total of 1 minute of V push-ups.  I probably did 5 on each side, while the models were cranking them.  So I'll say a reasonable number is 15 total during the course of the minute.

For those of you keeping track at home...
That's 213 push-ups!  In a 55 minute workout!  To quote Shaun T after he's impressed with his lover, Tania, during the Fit Test: "Wow.  These numbers are so huge, I gotta repeat those numbers again!"

6 different types of push-ups.
213 push-ups.
55 minutes.

Go ahead and try to do 213 push-ups in an hour this weekend and let me know how your arms feel.  Let alone all the other jumping and ab plyo work we did.


Stay Classy,

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