Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Two weeks late, but officially INSANE

I know this is two weeks overdue, but I was so insane, I couldn't properly post.  Had to let the sanity set in a little bit.  Anyways, the program is over.  I was a little sad, but mostly happy.  I'd do it again sometime, and it was great for the winter months. 

Since completetion, I've also started running again and I'm really shocked at my cardio level as a result of this program.  It wasn't earth shattering or anything, but I can definitely run 4 miles faster than I could since college.  I'm taking the exercise momentum forward, so thank you Shaun T!

Here are the final results.  You'll notice I mostly beat Tanya, but failed on Globe Jumps.  I take it personally and will come back for revenge on her sometime soon.

Fit Test 1Fit Test 2Fit Test 3Fit Test 4Final Fit TestTanya
Switch Kicks116120129133131110
Power Jacks485659636665
Power Knees7784110132135125
Power Jumps435059637150
Globe Jumps9710121011
Suicide Jacks141919212423
Push-Up Jacks212731344032
Low Plank Obliques465576788670

Thanks for following, and as Ben said, who knows--maybe some new insane adventure will bring Ben and Ben back online.

Stay Classy,

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Today the Bens passed a major life landmark-- Insanity is done! I took before and after pictures, but to be honest, there is little visible difference. However, the scores below indicate obvious improvement in performance.

Overall, I'm glad that I did the program. It was a big time commitment and a lot of hard work, but it feels good to take on a challenge and complete it.

Thank you all for following along--- who knows what adventures Ben and Ben will pursue in the future?! Stay posted!

I'm smiling because I love it.

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4
Switch Kicks 45 58 62 61
Power Jacks 42 50 57 55
Power Knees 70 74 107 105
Power Jumps 30 40 48 60
Globe Jumps 6 8 8 9
Suicide Jumps 7 15 15 16
Push Up Jacks 22 26 25 30
Low Plank Oblique 14 23 27 32

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Last Week

We've started the last week. It's gone by both really fast and really slowly!

I finally feel a little "caught up" to the month 2 workouts, in that I can do a lot more reps and am not passed out for a half hour after finishing. However, the overall length of the workouts and trying to fit it into my schedule is starting to wear me down. All in all, I'm really happy I did it...and really happy the end is in sight.

One week from tonight, B-Spec and I are planning on getting together to do our final Fit Test. I hope to see some strong improvement. I proposed to several major TV stations that they broadcast it live, and have life size posters of our "before" pictures drawn up so we could run out through them and you can see our impressive new bodies. I'm still waiting to hear back from them, but I'm guessing it's a no go. Sorry to say, but you'll just have to be glued to your seats Wednesday sometime to see us post the final results.

Stay Classy,

Friday, February 11, 2011

Insane math and push-ups

What a difference a day makes.  Two days ago morale was low.  Yesterday, I attacked the workout.  I'm not sure who won, but I felt better about my effort.

Here's some Insanity math for you.

30 squat push-ups
We did three sets of squat push-ups, each for 45 seconds.  Squat push-ups are where you get in the squat position, fall forward to the ground (keeping the position), and do a push-up back into the standing squat.  Yikes--crazy hard.  But suppose it takes you about 5 seconds to do each one (if anything, a little slow), that's about 10 push-ups per set, or 30 total.

30 power push-ups
B Spec previously described these, but it's where you start in the push-up position, do such a powerful push-up, while pulling your legs in, that you jump up to a standing position, with your hands still reaching down towards your toes.  Again, 3 sets of 45 seconds, so roughly another 30.

96 regular push-ups
In month one, we frequently saw Level 1 drills.  Level 1 drills involved 4 push-ups, 4 floor-sprints (think "mountain climbers" from grade school P.E.), stand up, repeat.  Occasionally, we were forced to suffer Level 2 drills, which were 8 push-ups, 8 floor sprints instead.  Yesterday, we had to do Level 3 drills (!) which were 16/16.  In the 45 second intervals, we did two reps.  Total 32 per set X 3 sets= 96 push-ups.

12 balance push-ups
B Spec also explained these push-ups previously, but it's a normal push-up, but as you go up, you lift the same-side arm and leg, essentially balancing on just one side of your body.

30 side push-ups
This is a little hard to explain in just writing, but essentially, you're doing push-ups with your legs out to the side instead of straight back.  We did 15 on each side--so again, 30 total.

15 V push-ups
In this move, you get into a V, with your palms flat on the ground and your feet as close to your hands as possible, while still keeping your legs straight.  Think "downward dog" from yoga, with your butt sticking way up in the air.  Turn your hands so your fingers are facing each other.  Then do a push-up motion.  This will destroy your shoulders and triceps.

Added fun bonus from this workout, we did them one legged.  That is, we lifted one of our legs off the ground putting it in the air straight behind us.  Ridiculous.  We did 30 seconds on each side for a total of 1 minute of V push-ups.  I probably did 5 on each side, while the models were cranking them.  So I'll say a reasonable number is 15 total during the course of the minute.

For those of you keeping track at home...
That's 213 push-ups!  In a 55 minute workout!  To quote Shaun T after he's impressed with his lover, Tania, during the Fit Test: "Wow.  These numbers are so huge, I gotta repeat those numbers again!"

6 different types of push-ups.
213 push-ups.
55 minutes.

Go ahead and try to do 213 push-ups in an hour this weekend and let me know how your arms feel.  Let alone all the other jumping and ab plyo work we did.


Stay Classy,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Morale is low

Morale is low, blog followers.  Work is killing the mental state.  Insanity still killing my body.  I still can't get over how long the workouts are now and it's harder to schedule it into the day.

You'd think with the end in sight, I would just get motivated to push harder, knowing I only have so much time left to finish sculpting my guns.  Instead, it's easier to just mail it in the last half of the workout and take the moral victory of turning on the DVD.

If my Fit Test results go down this upcoming time, it's only myself to blame.  Any thoughts on how to close out the program, B Spec?

Stay Classy (and motivated?)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Final 2 weeks!

Nice work Mr. Mil--

As I suspected, b-spec two weeks into Month 2 is somewhat less spry than b-spec after recovery week. Interestingly, though I dropped slightly in the first few exercises, I was able to push longer (outperforming test 3 on the final 2 exercises). Maybe it means I just didn't push hard enough on the first few? Who knows.

In any case, I'm smiling because I love it.

B-Spec Fit Tests Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4
Switch Kicks 45 58 62 52
Power Jacks 42 50 57 55
Power Knees 70 74 107 103
Power Jumps 30 40 48 43
Globe Jumps 6 8 8 8
Suicide Jumps 7 15 15 15
Push Up Jacks 22 26 25 32
Low Plank Oblique 14 23 27 29

4th Fit Test

I've completed my 4th fit test with surprising results.  As I mentioned in the last post, I was expecting a decrease, but have improved.  INSANE.  Check it out:

Fit Test 1Fit Test 2Fit Test 3Fit Test 4Tanya
Switch Kicks116120129133110
Power Jacks4856596365
Power Knees7784110132125
Power Jumps4350596350
Globe Jumps97101211
Suicide Jacks1419192123
Push-Up Jacks2127313432
Low Plank Obliques4655767870

Morale is high that I can beat Tania by the end.  Great detective work by B-Spec, by the way.  Glad to know that other people out there share out hatred.

By the way, 7 weeks in (including the rest week) and I'm STILL sore.  That's a tough program...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm going to belt kick you in the nuts

Insanity fans-- It is with great pleasure that I share the following news.

Following my Insanity workout today, I decided it was time to learn a little bit more about the Cast I have worked out beside for the last 7 weeks. Upon googling "Insanity cast", I was elated to find that the third result was "Team Beachbody - LOVE Insanity - Hate Tonya!". Looks like Ben and Ben aren't the only ones with a strong opinion about Tonya.

Digging further, I confirmed that Tanya is smiling at the camera to try to build her brand: Turns out she's been in a wide range of workout and music videos and no doubt wants more gigs. More research is required, but I couldn't wait to share. Check out her website:

I'm smiling because I love it.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Halfway through Month 2

We're halfway through Month 2, so essentially 75% of the way through INSANITY.  My body has been wrecked every day since the start of it.

Equating it to running, as that's the only exercise I did before this, I think we just finished lap 3 of the mile.  That's the lap where you're tired, but not quite close enough to the end to have adrenaline carry you through.  In other words, it sucks.  Totally.  But now we're at the end of that lap, and it's all systems go to the finish.

I think that works nicely, because (hopefully) I'll get used enough to the workouts that I can really honker down these last 2 weeks and build some muscle.  I think I'm really starting to get some muscle definition, so that's extra motivating. 

I also hope to be closing in on Tanya.  As an important side note, Tanya is much less featured in this month (although still probably the most featured person) and I noticed a ring on her finger!  Sorry to the poor fool...

We do the final fit test before the end of the program fit test this weekend.  To be honest, I'm expecting my scores to go down due to extreme fatigue.  We'll see what happens.

Stay Classy,

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm smiling because I love it

I can confirm everything b-mil has said about month 2: The sessions are longer, the circuits within the workouts are longer, and the actual exercises are absurd. I've come dangerously close to puking multiple times. Here are a few examples of moves that have popped into the rotation during month 2--- keep in mind that each of these is done for 45 seconds at a time, which is really another way of saying "until failure at 25 seconds".

Unreasonable move 1: The Balance Push-up. Get into push-up position, but with your elbows close to your sides (so that when you go down you elbows go back along your body rather than outwards to the sides). In this position, perform a push-up--- but, when you get near the top of the motion, lift your right leg and right arm up so they are parallel to the ground. (at this point you are now balancing at the top of the push-up position, but on only your left hand and left foot). Put your hand and foot down, drop, and perform another push-up, this time lifting your left hand and foot in unison. Repeat until vomit ensues.

Unreasonable move 2: Pukies-- Shaun T has a catchier name, but I can't recall it. Perform a standard pushup. However, push up so hard that you actually land on your feet with your hands touching your toes. Jump back down directly to push-up position. Repeat until vomit ensues.

Also, I want to give a big show of respect to B-Mil for admitting on the web that he missed his workout on Friday. Without his show of courage, I would not feel comfortable admitting that I too missed my workout on Friday. I have marginally respectable excuses, but at the end of the day, I skipped the workout when I reasonably could have done it. In any case, my 60-day Insanity program is now a slightly less intense 61-day program and includes a bonus rest day at around the 35-day mark. I feel a little guilty about missing the workout, and if for some crazy reason I don't come out of the program looking like an underwear model, we'll all know it was because I missed that one day. Oh well-- I won't let it happen again.

My much anticipated fit test 3 results are below. Nice improvements all around (except for Pushup Jacks, in which I mysteriously regressed).

I'm smiling because I love it. But seriously month 2 is terrible.

B-Spec out
(now imagine me doing a back spin and almost accidentally knocking out one of the other actors)

B-Spec Fit Tests Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
Switch Kicks 45 58 62
Power Jacks 42 50 57
Power Knees 70 74 107
Power Jumps 30 40 48
Globe Jumps 6 8 8
Suicide Jumps 7 15 15
Push Up Jacks 22 26 25
Low Plank Oblique 14 23 27

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Insane program, pretty sane effort

True confession blog followers--I skipped my workout yesterday.  A really long work day, coupled with responsibilities in my real life meant it was too late and I was too tired to put forth an insane effort.  You'll have to forgive me.

The second month is really challenging me in that the workouts are so much longer and more intense (so add an extra 30 minutes on to each workout where I'm just laying on the ground) that it's hard to fit in before work, and then I really don't feel like doing it after work.  I'll have to come up with a better game plan for the remaining 3 weeks.  How do you fit your workouts in, trusty blog followers?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Shaun T-isms

I didn't know how I'd feel about Shaun T initially.  As the type of guy that develops this type of workout, I figured he'd be a little too intense and too meatheady for me to like.  Turns out...I love this guy.  He's motivating, while not being annoying.  He says some hilarious stuff, paraphrased below.  I don't have the verbatim sayings, because I'm usually highly oxygen deprived when he's talking, but you'll get the general gist:

1. During opening stretching: "This is about to get super intense, super insane, and I'm smiling because I LOVE IT."

2. During the cool down stretch: "This profession--being a personal trainer--after days like today, I sometimes wonder 'Why do I do this?'  Because I wanna look gooooood!"  One of the other professionals turns to the camera on her and mouths "because he's crazy."

3. "Man.  Do I love killin' people."

These next three are funny, only because they're good instances of Shaun T using the 3rd person, which happens quite a bit:

4. "Whoo!  Shaun T is startin' to sweat and ya'll better be DRIPPIN'"

5. During a push-up exercise: "This is even too much for Shaun T.  I gotta rest.  And then you hit it right back again!"  (This is the only proof I have that he's not a machine)

6. During stretching: "Shaun T is getting nervous for this workout.  Anyone else nervous about what we're about to do here?"

7. While passed out on the floor: "That sh*t is bananas, yo!"  This is funny because they actually bleep it out.  It's taped--if you don't want it in there, you can just cut that clip.  If you want it in there, it's an adult workout can just say the word.

Stay Classy,
B Mil

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fit Test 3

I did my workout last night at 9ish and then tried to do my workout this morning at 6:30 AM.  Two Insanity workouts in a 10 hour span was not a good idea.  I was pretty worthless during the workout and the soreness is out of control.

In good news, the program is working!  Below are results from Fit Test 3.

Fit Test 1
Fit Test 2
Fit Test 3
Switch Kicks116120129110
Power Jacks48565965
Power Knees7784110125
Power Jumps43505950
Globe Jumps971011
Suicide Jacks14191923
Push-Up Jacks21273132
Low Plank Obliques46557670

You can see some definite improvement from 3 weeks ago.  The biggest difference was in Power Knees.  I had always fully extended my arms, but when watching the tape, I saw the professionals really only brought their hands back up towards their chin level.  The improved form (read: slacking) helped me get a lot more reps and close the gap on Tanya.

I included Tanya's scores up there, so you can see how I compare.  My biggest goal in the program is to crush her, and I think I'm getting much closer.  I'm encouraged after seeing how difficult Month 2 is that I'll be able to close the gap fully!

Stay Classy,


Monday, January 24, 2011

Month Two has begun and I am finished

Alright, I know it's been 3 weeks since my last post where I promised to post more frequently, but this time I'm in it for real.  Month 2 is just too insane to not blog about.

After 35 days of doing Insanity, I'm as sore today as I was after the first day.  I think it's safe to say that the only point of Month 1 is to put you in a position to survive Month 2--but that's no guarantee it'll happen.  Here are my quick thoughts (granted, after only 2 days in the second month) about the differences between Month 1 and Month 2:

1. The first month was very much focused on cardio. 
While my muscles would burn like crazy and I would often have to rest them (read: curl up and cry on the ground), the exercises themselves weren't impossible to do.  That is, I could at least wrap my head around them and do a few reps.  Most of the time when I'd need to rest, it was mostly because I was sucking wind so badly that I couldn't imagine getting into a push-up position.  I think that's what made the workouts seem "easy" by the end of the month.

Now, each exercise absolutely destroys me and my muscles go to failure, which happens after about 20 seconds.  Since I'm blogging so frequently from here on (no...really...) I'll save descriptions of particular exercises for future posts.  But trust me...they are hard.  And that is why I was waddling around the office today.

2. The workouts are a LOT longer. 

First of all, workouts are now around an hour.  Month 1 workouts were between 30 and 45.  That's a lot more time to get a little crazy.

Second of all, whereas workouts were broken out by 30 second exercises previously (each "set" would have between six and eight 30 second exercises), they are now 45 second intervals.  It doesn't sound like a significant change, but there's a big difference when you're jumping up and down or doing push-ups.  Yikes.

3. We have a bunch of new professionals doing the workout with us. 

I'm currently working on a post that highlights some of my favorites dudes and dudettes from the first month, but we have a whole new cast of characters.  My favorites are the girl who always works out in hats, the guy who for sure is a clone of Shaun T, and the psycho girl who doesn't shave her armpits to a satisfactory level.  She's one of my favorites because she is even more intense than Tanya, and anything that makes Tanya look worse is awesome.  I've caught Tanya looking over her shoulder to see what armpit chick is doing a couple of times.  Love it.

4.  We have new music.
The "intense" workout music during the dig deeper part of the workout in Month 1 was, as B Spec pointed out, very much like the Top Gun music.  It made you feel like you were working out with Goose and Maverick.  So far in Month 2, it makes me feel like I'm in a music video for a B-side Blink 182 song, which surprisingly is a compliment.  Thank you crazy guitar riff guy for your pop-punk rock motivation.

Expect posts about the 3rd Fit Test and my quest to destroy Tanya, what the "rest week" was like last week, a full breakdown of the professionals doing the workouts with us, and my favorite Shaun T-isms to follow soon!  Stay tuned and make sure you keep checking the blog.  It's starting to get CRAZY and I LOVE IT.  (Preview of a Shaun T-ism)

Stay Classy,

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Don't have your legs too far apart. Put your legs closer together. JOSH!

I'm feeling pretty Insane these days. Here are things I do and do not like:

  • After watching each of the tapes multiple times you start to pick up on weird interactions between the actors. For example, in Plyo Cardo Circuit, Shaun T scolds Josh for keeping his legs too far apart during the cool-down stretch. During Cardio Abs, one of the girls almost falls multiple times while doing the oblique jumps. The more I watch, the more stuff stuff I notice and the funnier it seems.
  • The soundtrack is awesome. I love how the music sounds almost like the Top Gun theme when you are working through the final reps of your last circuit-- it gives me the energy to keep pushing. I also love the abstract and relaxing sounds from stretching sessions.
  • I think Insanity is helping me add new moves to my dance repertoire: 1-2-3 Heisman and Mummy Kicks could bring down the house at Longworth's
  • Tanya: She doesn't even really do the moves. She half-asses it to make it look like she's going really fast, while in fact she is only doing quarter movements. Her High knees? More like Kind of High Knees.
  • The creepy voice that whispers "Beach Body" when you turn on the DVDs.
  • Commercials for Shakeology nutritional supplements
Remember to breathe through the stretch.

Monday, January 3, 2011

I eat Insanity for breakfast now...with skim milk.

Two thoughts from today.  First of all, it's back to work which means INSANITY in the early mornings.  It's hard to roll out of bed and get crazy right away and it will definitely take some getting used to.

Second of all, today was a double workout day.  The only thing more insane than INSANITY is doing 2 workouts in a day.  The second workout was a "short" 15 minute ab workout exercise. 

In true Insanity form, we can't just do normal crunches or sit-ups.  Instead, we do intense exercises that have some focus on abs.  For instance, to work obliques: "Jump as high as you can and crunch your elbows to your knees.  Repeat for 1 minute."  Whoever thought this was the best way to work abs didn't think it through.  After already doing one workout, do you really think I have the energy to jump up and down for a minute?  I spent most of the minute just standing there, staring blankly.

What a crazy workout--but I'd expect no less.

Stay Classy,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fit Test 2

I'd like to start off the post by congratulating B-Spec on huge improvements in his fit test.  I am truly in awe of your insanitude.

Sorry the blog has been lacking those posts that you crave so much.  Holiday travels with family and getting enormous have left little time in front of the computer.  Rest assured, I'm alive and resolve to post more regularly.

Fit Test 1
Fit Test 2
Switch Kicks
Power Jacks
Power Knees
Power Jumps
Globe Jumps
Suicide Jacks
Push-Up Jacks
Low Plank Obliques

As you can see, similar to B-Spec, I had what I consider some huge improvements.  Morale is high.  As you can see, I actually decreased in Globe Jumps.  I think that's mostly due to the low ceiling at the site of my first test--my basement--compared to the second test--my wife's parents' basement. 

We're fifteen days in--which ranks as addled on the insanity scale--and I still have muscle soreness some days.  I think as my cardio improves I'm able to focus more on the exercises and get more benefit.

One of the people on the fit test is Tanya, the young woman B-Spec so accurately identified as Shaun T's squeeze.  My personal goal is to beat her in all areas of the fit test.  While some are probably out of reach, I find her so annoying that I'll push through to try and get her.

Stay Classy,

As a side note--I think B Spec and I differ on how to count switch kicks and low plank obliques.  He's counting every other one (i.e. both right and left count as one) whereas I count each and every one.  It seems like Tanya is counting every one and since I have a personal vendetta against her, I have to follow suit so I can crush her.

Fit Test 1 vs. Fit Test 2: Huge Improvement

Can't figure out how to load from excel without a blur, but huge results.

Definitely getting more insane.