I second B-Spec's sentiments that the recovery day was still difficult. It especially lured me into a false sense of security when it started out with a few easy exercises and then blitzed into some ridiculous things. Yikes.
When I read reviews and watched infomercials about Insanity, everyone mentions what a good core workout it is. I either:
A) have a disproportionately strong core (I'd like to think so from 10 years of competitive running, but I think my tightly fitting pants would dispute)
B) am doing the exercises wrong (Again possible, but my wife says I look like the people on the video and my 22 month old daughter told me "Good job, Daddy!" today.)
or C) I'm so weak in other parts of my body I can't work my core correctly yet.
A bunch of exercises today were out of plank position or required some squats. My legs and in particular my shoulders were so freaking dead from yesterday(s) that I couldn't even hold the position long enough to start doing the oblique and ab work that is supposed to give me an insane core. Hopefully I'll improve over time...
Also, during the more yoga-y parts of the workout, my flexibility held me back. I felt like the exercies were explained like this:
Spread your legs and reach down towards your right knee. Now rest your forhead on your shin bone. Now bring up your left foot and rest it on the small of your back. Now reach your left arm all the way around your body and place your ring finger in your belly button. Remember to breath through the stretch.
Needless to say...it didn't happen.
I promise I'll give more detailed breakdowns of the workouts once I'm on Christmas vacation, but The Man's got me down right now. Consider it incentive to keep following!
Stay Classy,
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